Ensuring your child gets the right nutrition is crucial for their growth, development, and overall well-being. As parents, we often find ourselves juggling various responsibilities and sometimes, despite our best efforts, ensuring our children have balanced diets can be challenging. This is where a nutritionist can step in and make a significant difference. Here are some ways a nutritionist can help your child, along with a feature on some renowned nutritionists in Singapore.

1. They Personalise Nutrition Plans

Every child is unique, and so are their nutritional needs. A nutritionist can assess your child’s current diet, health status, and lifestyle to create a personalised nutrition plan. This plan will cater to their specific needs, whether they need more protein for muscle development, more iron to prevent anaemia or a balanced intake of vitamins and minerals for overall health.

  2. They Address Specific Health Concerns

Children can face various health issues that require dietary adjustments, such as food allergies, intolerances, or chronic conditions like diabetes. A nutritionist can help identify these issues and recommend suitable dietary changes. For example, they can provide alternative food options for children with lactose intolerance or help manage blood sugar levels in children with diabetes through tailored meal plans.

3. They Promote Healthy Eating Habits

Instilling healthy eating habits early on sets the foundation for a lifetime of good health. A nutritionist can teach children the importance of eating a variety of foods, understanding portion sizes, and making healthier food choices. They can also provide parents with strategies to encourage picky eaters to try new foods and ensure a balanced diet.

4. They Enhance Academic Performance

Nutrition plays a vital role in cognitive function and academic performance. Proper nutrition can improve concentration, memory, and overall brain function. A nutritionist can recommend foods that boost brain health, such as those rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and other essential nutrients, helping your child perform better in school.

Image source: iStock

5. They Support Physical Activity

Children who are involved in sports or physical activities have different nutritional needs. A nutritionist can create a diet plan that supports their energy levels, muscle growth, and recovery. They can also guide on the best foods to eat before and after physical activities to optimise performance and recovery.

6. They Help Preventing Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity is a growing concern globally, including in Singapore. A nutritionist can help by designing a balanced diet that promotes healthy weight. They can also educate both parents and children on the importance of physical activity and healthy eating habits to prevent obesity and related health issues.

7. They Help in Improving Gut Health

A healthy gut is crucial for overall health and well-being. Nutritionists can recommend dietary changes that promote a healthy gut microbiome, such as increasing the intake of fibre-rich foods, probiotics, and prebiotics. This can help improve digestion, boost immunity, and prevent gastrointestinal issues.

8. They Help in Boosting the Immune System

Children are often susceptible to common illnesses such as colds and flu. Proper nutrition can strengthen their immune system. A nutritionist can recommend foods rich in vitamins and minerals that support immune function, such as vitamin C, zinc, and antioxidants, helping your child stay healthy and recover faster from illnesses.

9. They Often Address Behavioral Issues

In some cases, behavioural issues in children can be linked to nutritional deficiencies or food sensitivities. A nutritionist can help identify these issues and suggest dietary changes that might improve behaviour. For example, reducing sugar intake or identifying and eliminating foods that trigger hyperactivity or irritability can make a significant difference.

10. They Educate Families

A nutritionist doesn’t just work with the child but also educates the whole family. They provide valuable information on healthy eating habits, meal planning, and cooking tips that can benefit everyone in the household. This holistic approach ensures that healthy eating becomes a family affair, fostering a supportive environment for the child.

Featuring Nutritionists & Dieticians in Singapore 1. Sheeba Majmudar

Sheeba Majmudar, Nutritionist of the Year 2020 by Prestige Awards, integrates a naturopathic approach to her treatment. She is also the author of the book “Edible to Incredible.” Having lived in the US, India, Hong Kong, Singapore, and now in Tokyo, Sheeba combines her diverse experiences to help clients achieve health naturally and realistically. She emphasizes that investing in health is as crucial as investing in education or finances. Sheeba is highly recommended by doctors from various specialties and offers services such as Blodynamic Craniosacral Therapy and Therapeutic Aroma Therapy.

Contact: +65 9656 6714 Address: 17, Hong Kong Street, #03-02, Singapore, 059660 Website: sheebathenutritionist.com 2. Ritika Shravan

Ritika Shravan is a certified coach with Precision Nutrition Level 1 accreditation and has completed her internship with Alvernia Hospital’s Nutrition and Dietetic Department. Currently associated with HealthifyMe-India, Ritika specializes in personalized nutrition and fitness coaching, particularly for South Asians in Singapore. Her expertise covers weight management, stress reduction, thyroid conditions, diabetes, and more. Ritika’s holistic approach ensures her clients receive structured guidance and support to achieve their health goals.

Contact: +65 9026 7535 Email: [email protected] Address: 126B, Edgedale Plains, Singapore, 822162 Website: ritikashravan.com   3. Chan Joy Seng of Alive Nutrition

Chan Joy Seng, Director and Accredited Nutritionist at Alive Nutrition Consultancy, holds a Master of Medical Science in Human Nutrition from the University of Sheffield. His career spans roles in the food industry, including product development and nutritional content formulation. Now a renowned nutritionist, Joy Seng conducts nutrition talks, supermarket tours, healthier hawker trails, and cooking demonstrations. He has also led numerous programs for the Singapore Health Promotion Board and teaches nutrition modules at local universities and polytechnics.

Contact: +65 9329 2949 Email: [email protected] Website: alivenutrition.sg 4. Suzanne Khor

Suzanne Khor has been practicing as a clinical dietitian for the last 15 years. She obtained her undergraduate degree in Dietetics with honours from the National University of Malaysia and a postgraduate degree (Masters of Health Science Education) from the University of Sydney, Australia. An active member of the Singapore Nutrition and Dietetics Association, Suzanne brings a wealth of experience to her practice.

Prior to her current role, Suzanne worked as a senior dietitian at KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital for seven years and has also gained experience in adult nutrition at Tan Tock Seng Hospital. Throughout her career, she has contributed to numerous nutrition articles in Singapore magazines and newspapers and has conducted various nutrition talks and training sessions. Suzanne’s special interests include nutrition for feeding difficulties, diet therapy for neurological disorders, eating disorders, and weight management. She frequently manages conditions such as feeding difficulties, underweight/failure to thrive, overweight/obesity, and provides diet therapy for neurological disorders.

Contact: 6397 6627 / 6397 6966 (hotline)

Address: Thomson Paediatric Centre (The Child Development Centre), 10 Sinaran Drive, #09-04 Novena Medical Centre, Singapore 307506

5. Jenette Yee

Jenette Yee is a principal dietitian at Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital, Singapore. She is fluent in Cantonese, English, and Mandarin, making her accessible to a broad range of clients. Jenette previously trained at KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital for nine years, specializing in neonatology nutrition.

She was the primary dietitian overseeing the neonatal ICU and the Cleft & Craniofacial Centre. Jenette also has extensive experience in managing children with feeding difficulties, fussy feeders, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, and critically ill children. She is an accredited dietitian with Dietitian Australia, a certified nutrition support clinician with the National Board of Nutrition Support Certification, USA, and an accredited dietitian with the Singapore Nutrition and Dietetics Association.

6. Meave Graham

Meave Graham is a paediatric dietitian with over 18 years of experience in the dietetic management of children with various nutrition-related conditions and concerns. Hailing from Ireland, Meave is a Registered Dietitian (RD) with CORU, the Health and Social Care Professionals Regulatory body in Ireland, and an accredited member of the Singapore Nutrition and Dietetic Association.

Meave graduated from Trinity College Dublin in 1996 with a Bachelor’s degree (BSc) in Human Nutrition and Dietetics. She worked in the Irish healthcare setting for over 18 years, primarily in two major paediatric hospitals: Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin, and the National Children’s Hospital at Tallaght Hospital, Dublin. Throughout her career, she has been an active member of the Irish Nutrition and Dietetic Institute (INDI).

Contact: +65 9456 4694

Email: [email protected] 

Engaging a nutritionist can significantly impact your child’s health and well-being. From personalized nutrition plans to addressing specific health concerns, nutritionists provide invaluable support to ensure your child thrives. In Singapore, professionals like Sheeba Majmudar, Ritika Shravan, Chan Joy Seng, Suzanne Khor, Jenette Yee, and Meave Graham are making a difference by helping families embrace healthier lifestyles. If you’re looking to enhance your child’s nutrition, consider consulting a nutritionist to guide you on this rewarding journey.

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