Expert opinion from Gustavo Campos

Doctor of Medicine · 9 years of experience · Brazil

Addison’s disease affects essentially the adrenal glands. Whenever it impacts other organs, it will be a consequence of an untreated disease. In this case, skin can get darker, and the patient may develop hypotension.

Expert opinion from Alex T. Thomas

MD · 40 years of experience · USA

A long-term endocrine disorder resulting from insufficient amounts of hormones released by the adrenal glands, a pair of walnut-sized organs above the kidneys.

Expert opinion from Marcelle Freire

Doctor of Medicine · 3 years of experience · Brazil

Addison disease is a rare primary adrenal insufficiency that affects primarily the adrenal gland, located on top of each kidney, lowering cortisol levels.

See more questions and expert answers related to addisons disease.

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Disclaimer: This is for information purpose only, and should not be considered as a substitute for medical expertise. These are opinions from an external panel of individual doctors, and not to be considered as opinion of Microsoft. Please seek professional help regarding any health conditions or concerns.

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