Expert opinion from Marcella Abunahman Pereira

Specialization in Clinical Cardiology · 12 years of experience · Brazil

Conjunctivitis starts commonly by a bacterial or viral infection and an allergic reaction. Therefore, pink eye is an inflammation or infection of the transparent membrane (conjunctiva) that covers the white part of your eyeball. It causes the whites of your eyes to appear reddish or pink, itchiness, a gritty feeling in one or both eyes, a discharge in one or both eyes that forms a crust during the night that may prevent your eye or eyes from opening in the morning and tearing.

Expert opinion from Gustavo Campos

Doctor of Medicine · 9 years of experience · Brazil

In general, people complain of eyelids that stick together on waking. Other initial symptoms are an itching or burning sensation. That’s also common to feel as there is some foreign body on the eyes. It’s not expected to present altered visual acuity, even though pus may distortion vision if present.

Learn more about conjunctivitis: See the causes, symptoms, treatment options and more.

See more questions and expert answers related to conjunctivitis.

Expert opinion from Ilya Aleksandrovskiy

M.D., MBA · 5 years of experience · USA

It starts with irritation in the eye, pain, watering of the eye, sensitivity to light and change in the vision.

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