Expert opinion from Sandeep Kumar Reddy Mallela

MBBS BMB Pediatrics persevering · 2 years of experience · India

Nephrolithiasis(kidney stone disease), is a condition in which individuals form calculi(stones)within the renal pelvis and tubular lumens. Stones form from crystals that precipitate(separate)out of the urine. Stone formation may occur when the urinary concentration of crystal-forming substances(calcium, oxalate, uric acid)is high or the substances that inhibit stone formation, like citrate is low. Following an initial kidney stone event, the spontaneous five-year recurrence rate is 35 to 50%. Medical conditions that increase the risk of nephrolithiasis include primary hyperparathyroidism, obesity, diabetes and gout. In some observational studies, dietary factors associated with increased risk of nephrolithiasis include low fluid intake and low dietary calcium. However, evidence is mixed for diets with increased animal protein, low dietary magnesium, low dietary potassium, and increased sodium. Approximately 80% of adults with nephrolithiasis have stones comprised predominantly of calcium oxalate and/or calcium phosphate. Over half of the recurrent stones are comprised of calcium oxalate. Majority of patients with kidney stone disease recurrence have obesity/overweight, hyperlipidemia, hyper-uricemia and hyperglycemia, indicating a role of metabolic disorders in stone recurrence. These data suggest that lifestyle modification and dietary intervention are important in the prevention of kidney stone disease recurrence.

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Expert opinion from Marcella Abunahman Pereira

Specialization in Clinical Cardiology · 12 years of experience · Brazil

Kidney stones are mineral deposits that form inside your kidneys. The most common symptom is severe pain, usually on the side of the abdomen where the kidney stone is located. On average, around 30% to 50% of patients may have recurrence within 3 to 5 years. So, be careful and take preventive measures such as drinking plenty of water, beware of foods that can form calculus and inform your doctor about all the medications you use, because certain prescriptions can result in kidney stones.

Expert opinion from Alex T. Thomas

MD · 40 years of experience · USA

Kidney stones recur in 30% within ten years.

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