Expert opinion from Gustavo Campos

Doctor of Medicine · 9 years of experience · Brazil

There is not a specific diet for mononucleosis treatment. However, choosing which food to consume may be helpful for reliving the symptoms. Soft diets that don’t require too much chewing can be helpful to avoid pain. It will also be important to keep hydrated in case of fever.

Expert opinion from Piyush Puri

MBBS · 1 years of experience · India

Foods which promote your immunity are considered the best during an episode of mononucleosis which is caused by EBV. Eat more antioxidant rich fruits and anti-inflammatory food like green, leafy vegetables, etc. Avoid sugary snacks, fried food, alcohol, refined white bread, white pasta, etc.

Expert opinion from Mohan P. Abraham

M.D., FAAFP (Family Physician) · 40 years of experience · USA

Avoid consuming sugary foods, alcohol, fried foods and refined white breads.

Learn more about infectious mononucleosis: See the causes, symptoms, treatment options and more.

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