Expert opinion from Ilya Aleksandrovskiy

M.D., MBA · 5 years of experience · USA

Schizophrenic patients either exhibit substance abuse or develop schizophrenia due to it. Therefore, substance abuse is generally associated with poor outcomes and becomes both a causative factor as well as complication. From medical standpoint, schizophrenic patients are likely to develop metabolic syndrome, obesity, hypertension and there is increased risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Expert opinion from Piyush Puri

MBBS · 1 years of experience · India

Schizophrenia can be detrimental to the person and surrounding environment. It can lead to suicide thoughts, suicidal attempts and suicide. It can cause anxiety disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorders. Person can have delusions and hallucinations both. It can also cause abuse of alcohol and other drugs.

Expert opinion from Ipsa Arora

MD (Internal Medicine) · 5 years of experience · USA

Suicide, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, hallucination, delusion, self-inflicted injury, and social isolation are the possible complications of schizophrenia. Possible complications for schizophrenia range from medical conditions (morbidity) to shortened life span (mortality).

Learn more about schizophrenia: See the causes, symptoms, treatment options and more.

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