Expert opinion from Anastu Regita Nareswara

Master's degree in Clinical Nutrition · 7 years of experience · Indonesia

Grapes are rich in flavonoids, and a body of work suggests that consumption of grapes and grape-containing products might lower blood pressure. Grape flavonoids have favorable effects on endothelial function and inflammation that might reduce arterial stiffness and lower blood pressure. In population studies, wine consumption has been linked to lower blood pressure and reduced cardiovascular disease risk.

Expert opinion from Kenny Putri Kinasih

Bachelor's degree Nutrition · 3 years of experience · Indonesia

Grapes contain polyphenols, antioxidant compounds that can ward off free radicals. Consumption of grapes in sufficient quantities can prevent metabolic syndrome, such as preventing an increase in blood pressure.

Expert opinion from Yuyu Yatagawa

Bachelor's degree Nutrition · 1 years of experience · Japan

Grapes are rich in potassium. Potassium has an inhibitory effect on blood pressure. It is therefore good for preventing high blood pressure.

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