Expert opinion from Cate F Keen

Bachelor of Health Science (Food & Nutrition) · 2 years of experience · Australia

Yes, it is safe to drink one to two cups of green tea each day while trying to conceive, even during pregnancy. Green tea does contain caffeine, but less than half that of a cup of coffee, making it a safe and nutritious alternative to high caffeinated drinks. Green tea has many benefits including improving blood flow and circulation, acting as a natural anti-inflammatory and promoting wound healing.

Expert opinion from Lucía Ramos

Bachelor of Science · 8 years of experience · Argentina

Green tea has antioxidant properties due to its polyphenol content. Its consumption is not contraindicated for a woman who is seeking pregnancy. Once the pregnancy is established, its consumption should be moderated due to the content of xanthines.

Expert opinion from Cassia D Muller

Bechelor in Nutrition · 2 years of experience · Brazil

Too much caffeine is known to impair fertility, and green tea contains caffeine. For this reason, one glass a day will not cause infertility problems, but excessive consumption can decrease a woman's chances of becoming pregnant.

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