Expert opinion from Ledyan Ledyan

Master's degree Medicinal plants and functional food/Bachelor's degree Nutrition · 4 years of experience · Indonesia

Turmeric contain high in antioxidant content that can help in health problems, such as stomach pain, metabolic disorders, and obesity. Turmeric is able to suppress the growth of fat tissue in the body. Fat tissue in the body is often associated with obesity. Although turmeric can help to suppress the growth of fat tissue, weight loss does not occur quickly. In addition to consuming turmeric, diet and intake of nutrients needs to be taken into account.

Expert opinion from Deidre Huysamen

Dietician - Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition Services · 7 years of experience · South Africa

Turmeric is said to be beneficial for weight loss however, there are no studies that have shown that this is in fact true. Therefore, there is no reason to consume this for weight loss.

Expert opinion from Momoko Takada

Bachelor's degree Nutrition · 3 years of experience · Japan

The liver is responsible for the decomposition and elimination of fat, and because turmeric improves liver function, it promotes fat metabolism and facilitates weight loss.

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Disclaimer: This is for information purpose only, and should not be considered as a substitute for medical expertise. These are opinions from an external panel of individual doctors or nutritionists and not to be considered as opinion of Microsoft. Please seek professional help regarding any health conditions or concerns. Medical advice varies across region. Advice from professionals outside your region should be used at your own discretion. Or you should contact a local health professional.

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