Expert opinion from Georgios Christos Bakolas

Master Science in Sport Nutrition · 3 years of experience · UK

Lentils are packed with proteins and can provide the same amount of protein like red or processed meat. As a result, the consumption of lentils not only provides enough protein but also is a healthier choice for your heart. Furthermore, lentils have a lot of fiber which can lower cholesterol and protect against diabetes and colon cancer. Also, the potassium, folate and iron which are contained in lentils reduce blood pressure and fatigue and protect your heart.

Expert opinion from Anastu Regita Nareswara

Master's degree in Clinical Nutrition · 7 years of experience · Indonesia

Lentils can lower cholesterol and protect against diabetes and colon cancer. A daily dose of fiber pushes waste through your digestive system and prevents constipation, too. The potassium, folate, and iron in lentils also provide lots of benefits. Potassium counters the bad effects of salt and lowers blood pressure.

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Expert opinion from Mantwa Radebe

Master of Science (MSc) In Nutrition · 12 years of experience · South Africa

Lentils are high in fiber, folate, iron, vitamin B1, and potassium, which makes lentils to help with reducing the risk of heart disease, reduce cholesterol level, and helps to maintain normal heartbeat.

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Disclaimer: This is for information purpose only, and should not be considered as a substitute for medical expertise. These are opinions from an external panel of individual doctors or nutritionists and not to be considered as opinion of Microsoft. Please seek professional help regarding any health conditions or concerns. Medical advice varies across region. Advice from professionals outside your region should be used at your own discretion. Or you should contact a local health professional.

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