Expert opinion from Cate F Keen

Bachelor of Health Science (Food & Nutrition) · 2 years of experience · Australia

No, consuming kombucha will not make you sick. If you consume too much kombucha it may have a negative digestive impact such as gas, bloating and nausea. Ideally, try to drink no more than 450mls of Kombucha over the day. If you have a sensitive stomach, digestive issues or IBS, start with small amounts of kombucha to determine your levels of tolerance. This will provide the nutritious benefits such as natural probiotics to improve gut bacteria, antioxidants and the ability to help lower cholesterol.

Expert opinion from Jodie Bennett

BSC. Food Science and Nutrition · 6 years of experience · UK

There may be a small percentage of people who consume kombucha who may experience side effects such as bloating, vomiting, nausea, jaundice and even an allergic reaction. This would depend on the individual's health status as some may be more sensitive to this beverage. Also those who drink kombucha in excess have a higher risk of experiencing these side effects.

See more questions and expert answers related to Kombucha.

Expert opinion from Stephanie Small

Master of Science in Exercise Physiology & Sports Nutrition · 6 years of experience · USA

Consuming kombucha that has been processed and fermented appropriately should not result in making you sick. However, if the kombucha was not processed or stored properly, this can result in spoilage.

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Disclaimer: This is for information purpose only, and should not be considered as a substitute for medical expertise. These are opinions from an external panel of individual doctors or nutritionists and not to be considered as opinion of Microsoft. Please seek professional help regarding any health conditions or concerns. Medical advice varies across region. Advice from professionals outside your region should be used at your own discretion. Or you should contact a local health professional.

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