Expert opinion from Isis Lima Souza

Bachelor in Nutrition · 11 years of experience · Brazil

Papaya fruit is from the plant Carica papaya, originated in Central America and Southern Mexico but it is now grown in most of the other parts of the world. It contain high levels of antioxidants vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E. Diets high in antioxidants may help increase platelets because of the antioxidants properties.

Expert opinion from Feni Sulistiani

Bachelor's degree Nutrition · 3 years of experience · Indonesia

Papaya fruits are known to increase platelets, but research indicates that papaya leaves are more effective at increasing platelets. Therefore, two were viable options for boosting platelet count, supported by a balanced diet.

Expert opinion from Cassia D Muller

Bechelor in Nutrition · 2 years of experience · Brazil

It's not yet scientifically proven, and it's unclear how it actually works, but clinical trials have shown that there is such a benefit.

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