Expert opinion from Jen Hsu

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - Nutritional Science · 11 years of experience · Canada

Cane sugar and granulated sugar are actually identical in chemical properties for their sucrose content. The biggest difference between the two sugars are where they are sourced from. Cane sugar is produced only from sugar cane. Granulated sugar may be sourced from both sugar cane and sugar beets. Since cane sugar is only sourced from a singular plant, it is processed way less than granulated sugar, making it a healthier choice. However, nutritionally speaking, one is not healthier than the other.

Expert opinion from Carl Bender

Master of Science: Biochemical and Molecular Nutrition · 6 years of experience · USA

The main different between cane and granulated sugar is that cane sugar has a more intense flavour, but not necessarily a sweeter flavour. When it comes to calories, they have the same caloric content per gram. Cane sugar is more natural and less processed than granulated sugar, meaning it is less processed. If you're trying to avoid processed foods then cane sugar is for you, if you are only worried about calories, then either one will be fine.

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Expert opinion from Faith Seke

PhD, Agronomy and Crop Science (ongoing), Master's degree, Food Science and Technology · 1 years of experience · South Africa

Despite the fact that raw cane sugar is frequently promoted as a healthier alternative to granulated sugar, there is no significant difference between the two. In actuality, both are made up of sucrose, a molecule made up of units of simple sugars such as glucose and fructose, and are chemically identical.

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