Expert opinion from Cate F Keen

Bachelor of Health Science (Food & Nutrition) · 2 years of experience · Australia

As part of a balanced diet, onions may be beneficial for inflammation. The antioxidant in onions, quercetin, can act as an anti-inflammatory which may help with esophagus inflammation. There has also been evidence, however, that onions can increase the unpleasant effects of reflux and may exacerbate heartburn and gas which may have a negative effect on the activity of your esophagus. If you are uncertain about the exact cause of your inflammation, it is best to avoid onions until you have a further diagnosis.

Expert opinion from Carolina Castro

PhD Candidate (Health Services), Post Graduate Functional Clinical Nutrition, Bachelor's Degree Nutrition and Dietetics · 7 years of experience · Australia

Onions contains several phytochemicals as well higher levels of organic Sulphur with antioxidants and ant inflammatory properties, so may be beneficial to esophagus inflammation, however in excessive consumption can cause gas and bloating due to the carbohydrates type.

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Expert opinion from Madison Deakin

Bachelor's degree, Nutrition and Food science · 3 years of experience · Australia

Onion may be a trigger for acid reflux for some people. People who have esophagus inflammation may experience higher occurrences of acid reflex after consuming onion which may impact recovery and increase inflammation.

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