Expert opinion from Mantwa Radebe

Master of Science (MSc) In Nutrition · 12 years of experience · South Africa

Hemp also known as Cannabis sativa, also called industrial hemp, plant of the family Cannabaceae cultivated for its bast fibre and its edible seeds. The plant leaves and seeds have been used for various functions. Hemp sees has two main proteins which are edestin and albumin. Both of these high-quality storage proteins are easily digested and contain nutritionally significant amounts of all essential amino acids. Additionally, the seed has high levels of the amino acid called arginine.

Expert opinion from Maria Arienti

Postgraduate in Nutritional Support/Bachelor in Nutrition · 13 years of experience · Argentina

Hemp is one of the few complete protein sources due to it contains all nine essential amino acids that we need in order to repair muscle cells, regulate the nervous system, and regulate brain function.

Expert opinion from Cassia D Muller

Bechelor in Nutrition · 2 years of experience · Brazil

Yes, hemp seeds also produce essential amino acids that are not manufactured by the human body and that need to be ingested and absorbed through food, especially arginine.

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