Intuitive eating is an approach to eating that focuses on the body's cues of hunger and satisfaction, aiming to result in a positive relationship with food.

There are a number of benefits of intuitive eating, including a healthier relationship with your body and food.

Emily Wood, clinical nutritionist and coach at Voy, has revealed the eight principles of intuitive eating.

Reject the diet mentality

First and foremost, you need to forget about fad diets.

"Intuitive eating begins by bidding farewell to the traditional diet mentality," she says. "It challenges the conventional notion of 'good' and 'bad' foods, steering away from restrictive diets to foster a compassionate relationship with the body."

Honour feelings of hunger

It is important not to ignore your body when you are hungry.

"Acknowledging and responding to the body's hunger signals is crucial. Intuitive eating encourages eating when hungry to embrace a mindful approach to nourishment," the expert states. "By doing so, the foundation is laid for a healthier relationship with food."

Make peace with food

Understanding that your body needs food to survive can help improve your relationship with it.

"Unconditional permission to eat is a cornerstone of intuitive eating," Emily declares. "This principle counteracts 'food guilt' and encourages a positive, non-restrictive attitude towards dietary choices."

Challenge diet culture

One way to challenge diet culture is to listen to what your body needs.

"Intuitive eating challenges the negative thoughts and judgments surrounding food ingrained by diet culture," the coach explains. "Re-evaluating existing mindsets around food encourages the development of a healthier and more realistic approach to food choices."

Recognise fullness cues

As well as recognising when your body needs food, it's also important to know when you're full.

"Emotional eating is a common challenge which can be improved with intuitive eating," Emily says. "This approach provides tools to address emotional triggers without turning to food. Once alternative coping mechanisms are developed, emotional resilience is cultivated."

Respect the body

Respecting your body is key when it comes to intuitive eating.

"Regardless of size or shape, intuitive eating encourages people to respect and appreciate their bodies, improving body image and self-acceptance," the nutritionist states.

Exercise for enjoyment

Try to avoid working out with the aim of losing weight. Instead, choose exercises that you enjoy and that benefit both your body and your mind.

"Alongside a balanced view towards food, intuitive eating encourages an appreciation of exercise as a tool to improve overall well-being rather than weight loss," she shares. "Physical activity and movement should be enjoyed and not used as a form of punishment."

Honour overall health with nutritious foods

Another key part of intuitive eating is consuming foods that nourish your body properly.

"Balancing nutrition with intuitive eating involves making food choices that honour overall health and well-being," Emily explains. "Rather than fixating on strict rules, a middle ground between nourishment and enjoyment will help to guide a sense of 'gentle nutrition'."

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