Experts say the way you chew your food can have a direct impact on your gut health.

Adrienne Benjamin, nutritionist at ProVen Biotics, has identified four surprising, yet easy-to-fix, signs that you're chewing your food incorrectly and how it could affect your gut health.

Digestive problems

If you're not chewing your food properly, you could be experiencing digestive problems such as bloating.

"One of the first signs that you might not be chewing your food properly, is bloating, gas and constipation," Adrienne says. "When food reaches the small intestine, enzymes from the pancreas and bile from the gallbladder help break it down.

"However, if food isn't well-chewed, it will arrive in the stomach and intestines in larger particles that are more difficult to break down and can ferment in the gut."


Swallowing food that hasn't been chewed properly can contribute to heartburn or acid reflux.

"When food is not adequately broken down in the mouth, larger chunks are taken into the oesophagus and travel to the stomach, causing the digestive system to work harder," the expert explains.

"This can lead to the need to produce additional stomach acid and may also lead to physical digestion problems in this area, resulting in food travelling back up from the stomach, causing symptoms of indigestion."

Not absorbing nutrients

If you don't chew your food properly, your body absorbs fewer nutrients than it should.

"Your body may struggle to break down essential macronutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats into small enough particles for absorption, potentially leading to deficiencies in both these macronutrients and the micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) they contain," she warns.


When you eat too quickly or mindlessly, your brain doesn't know you're full right away, which means you don't know when to stop.

"This can result in feeling bloated and sluggish, and also increases the risk of weight gain and associated health issues over time," Adriene states.

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