Caring for a newborn comes with both joys and challenges. From recognizing danger signs to understanding the impact of environmental factors, Dr. Smily Lock, MBBS, MMed (FM), Head of Healthcare Solutions (Chronic and Long-Term Care) at Speedoc, provides expert guidance on how parents—especially fathers—can be well-prepared for their newborn’s health and development.

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Q: How can fathers best prepare for potential emergency situations with their newborn?

Dr. Smily Lock: Emergency situations can be both prevented and prepared for. One of the best ways to prevent emergencies is to ensure that your knowledge of newborn care comes from highly accurate sources, such as established government agencies or internationally recognized organizations. Examples include HealthHub (HPB) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which offer a wealth of evidence-based information, from nutrition to vaccinations.

In case of an emergency, preparation is key. Ensure that you:

Know where your child’s health records are stored. Identify the nearest clinic or emergency department for quick access to medical care. Q: What are the most concerning danger signs in newborns, and when should parents seek medical attention?

Dr. Smily Lock: Parents should seek immediate medical attention if they notice any of the following danger signs:

Abnormal breathing (rapid or labored breathing). Reduced feeding or refusal to nurse. Less than four urinations in 24 hours. Unexplained weight loss. Inconsolable crying (crying continuously for four hours or more).

These signs indicate a potential health issue that requires urgent medical evaluation.

Q: What preventative measures can parents take to reduce the risk of danger signs in newborns?

Dr. Smily Lock: There are several crucial preventative measures to keep your newborn safe:

Ensure baby sleeps on their back. Research has shown this significantly reduces the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Check bathwater temperature. Always test warm water before placing your baby in the tub to prevent serious scalds on their delicate skin. Use a rear-facing car seat. When traveling, always buckle your baby into a properly installed rear-facing car seat in the back seat to reduce the risk of severe injury in case of an accident.

Taking these precautions can greatly reduce potential health risks.

Q: How does breastfeeding promote the health and development of newborns and prevent danger signs?

Dr. Smily Lock: Breastfeeding has numerous health benefits for newborns. It helps reduce the risk of:

Asthma Obesity Diabetes Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Otitis media (ear infections)

Because of its well-documented benefits, the World Health Organization (WHO) strongly promotes breastfeeding as the best source of nourishment for infants and young children.

Q: My newborn has jaundice. How can we treat this illness, and what are the warning signs to look out for?

Dr. Smily Lock: Jaundice occurs when bile pigments accumulate in the bloodstream, leading to yellow discoloration of the skin and whites of the eyes.

There are various causes of jaundice, ranging from physiological jaundice (which is usually harmless) to biliary atresia (a serious condition).

One major concern is kernicterus, a rare but serious complication where high levels of jaundice cause brain damage. Warning signs of kernicterus include:

Lethargy and drowsiness. Poor feeding.

If you notice these signs, seek urgent medical attention immediately.

Q: Can a mother’s postpartum depression impact the health and development of a newborn? What are the related danger signs?

Dr. Smily Lock: Yes, postpartum depression (PPD) can significantly impact an infant’s health and development. Potential effects include:

Poor weight gain in infants. Increased physical health concerns. More frequent nighttime awakenings at around nine months.

A key danger sign to watch for is tapering growth centiles, which can be observed in the child’s weight, height, and head circumference recorded in their health booklet. If postpartum depression is suspected, seeking medical advice early is essential.

Q: What are some ways that fathers can actively participate in monitoring and promoting the health and development of a newborn?

Dr. Smily Lock: Fathers play a critical role in supporting newborn health. Here’s how they can help:

Assist with doctor appointments, including vaccinations and follow-ups. Monitor developmental milestones using the health booklet’s checklist. Ensure newborn safety, including: Removing objects that may cause suffocation. Preventing water scalds during bath time. Properly installing an infant car seat. Avoiding the use of a sarong cradle. Never leaving the baby unattended.

For more reliable parenting information, fathers can refer to HealthHub (HPB) or CDC websites.

Q: Do environmental factors (such as pollution or climate change) impact the health and development of a newborn? What are the related danger signs?

Dr. Smily Lock: Yes, environmental factors can negatively affect newborns in various ways, including air pollution, water contamination, and climate change.

For example, in Singapore, the National Environment Agency (NEA) provides updates when air pollution levels rise, sometimes advising people to stay indoors to reduce exposure to harmful pollutants.

Parents should monitor their newborns for signs of environmental distress, including:

Changes in breathing patterns. Skin reactions (such as rashes or irritation). Altered feeding behavior.

If any of these signs appear, consult a doctor immediately.

Final Thoughts

Parenting a newborn comes with challenges, but being informed and prepared can help ensure your baby’s health and safety. Dr. Smily Lock’s expert advice highlights the importance of:

✔ Learning from trusted medical sources

✔ Recognizing early warning signs of health concerns

✔ Taking preventative safety measures

✔ Ensuring both parents play an active role in newborn care

By staying proactive and well-informed, parents—especially fathers—can create a safe and nurturing environment for their newborn’s healthy development.
