Expert opinion from Dr. Anuvitha Kamath

MBBS · 3 years of experience · India

Low temperature and humidity can trigger asthma and affect respiratory health by worsening asthma symptoms. Low temperature causes chest tightening and broncho-constriction. It also leads to increased sputum production. It causes difficulty in the expiration of inhaled air due to narrow or constricted airways. The symptoms of this are shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, wheezing, and coughing with expectoration. People with asthma are prone to getting other respiratory infections. Prevention for this is staying away from allergens, keeping the environment clean and hygienic, taking the flu vaccine, wearing masks, avoiding cold environments for longer periods, intake caffeine for bronchodilation, taking asthma medications, avoiding smoking, and identifying the triggers.

Expert opinion from Dr. Alan Thomas Charly

MBBS · 1 years of experience · India

During the rainy season, humidity and temperature may have a major impact on respiratory health. High humidity levels can make it challenging for sweat to evaporate, leading to discomfort and potentially exacerbating respiratory conditions like asthma. Winters, on the other hand, can restrict airways and cause bronchospasms in some people. To mitigate these effects, people with respiratory conditions should monitor weather conditions, stay indoors during extreme weather, use air conditioning or humidifiers to control indoor humidity, and follow their healthcare provider's recommendations for managing their condition during rainy seasons.

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Expert opinion from Dr. Himabindu Sreenivasulu

MBBS · 1 years of experience · India

Humidity and temperature can impact respiratory health during rainy seasons. High humidity can make the air feel heavier, making it more challenging to breathe for some individuals, particularly those with respiratory conditions like asthma. Meanwhile, lower temperatures may increase the risk of respiratory infections. Mold growth in damp environments can also trigger allergies and exacerbate asthma symptoms. To protect respiratory health, individuals should stay indoors during extreme weather, use dehumidifiers if needed, and ensure proper ventilation to reduce humidity and minimize mold growth.

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