Expert opinion from Sandeep Kumar Reddy Mallela

MBBS BMB Pediatrics persevering · 2 years of experience · India

Hepatitis C is a liver infection caused by the hepatitis C virus. Hepatitis C spreads through contact with blood from an infected person. Today, most people become infected with the hepatitis C virus by sharing needles or other equipment used to prepare and inject drugs. For some people, hepatitis C is a short term illness, but for more than half of people who become infected with the hepatitis C virus, it becomes a long term, chronic infection. Chronic hepatitis C can result in serious, even life threatening health problems like cirrhosis of liver and liver cancer. People with chronic hepatitis C can often have no symptoms and don't feel sick. When symptoms appear, they are often a sign of advanced liver disease. There is no vaccine for hepatitis C at present. The best way to prevent hepatitis C is by avoiding behaviors that can spread the disease, especially injecting drugs. Getting tested for hepatitis C is important, because treatment can cure most people with hepatitis C in 8 to 12 weeks.

Learn more about hepatitis c: See the causes, symptoms, treatment options and more.

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Expert opinion from Piyush Puri

MBBS · 1 years of experience · India

Hepatitis C causes inflammation of the liver. Usually, it does not cause severe symptoms acutely. It causes symptoms insidiously; loss of appetite, fatigue, fever, malnutrition, etc. If not treated, it can also lead to liver cancer. It causes flu like symptoms which people tend to ignore.

Expert opinion from Ilya Aleksandrovskiy

M.D., MBA · 5 years of experience · USA

It will impact both physical and mental health and can cause extreme fatigue, depression and problems with memory and confusion.

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