Expert opinion from Marcelle Freire

Doctor of Medicine · 3 years of experience · Brazil

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a psychological disorder usually caused after a major episode of trauma, physical or psychological, real or abstract (such as a threat, for example), which usually manifests itself with affective, cognitive and behavioral disorders that can reach to significantly compromise the quality of life of patients. There are not only five symptoms of the disease that can compromise various domains and dimensions of an individual's life, but according to the DSM-5, there are five diagnostic criteria that characterize the disease. Therefore, it is necessary for the diagnosis that the patient must have been exposed to some episode of major trauma and also present at least one symptom in each of the four groups of symptoms that characterize the disease: intrusion, avoidance, mood disorders or cognitive disorders and reactivity/irritability/aggressive behavior.

Learn more about post traumatic stress disorder: See the causes, symptoms, treatment options and more.

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Expert opinion from Marcella Abunahman Pereira

Specialization in Clinical Cardiology · 12 years of experience · Brazil

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can develop after a very stressful, frightening or distressing event or after a prolonged traumatic experience. The 5 symptoms of PTSD are nightmares or flashbacks of the traumatic event, anxiety and hypervigilance because the person is always looking out for danger, isolation and avoiding places, activities or people that remind you of the traumatic event.

Expert opinion from Wesley D Palmer

Doctor of Medicine · 23 years of experience · USA

Symptoms of PTSD include hypervigilence, difficulty sleeping, feeling as reliving the traumatic event, numbness or disassociation, and irritability.

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