

The #1 Calorie Hack a Dietitian Swears by for Faster Weight Loss

A registered dietitian reveals why eating smaller, more frequent meals may help you reach your weight loss goals faster.

I’m a Fitness Instructor With Stage 4 Colon Cancer: What I Want Women to Know About Their Health

You are your biggest advocate.

The Best Puzzles for Adults to Order Right Now

From trendy to artsy to fun, here are the best puzzles for every level.

Soft white bread is a con – no matter what the boffins do to it

It’s being heralded as a culinary breakthrough. Scientists at Aberystwyth University reckon that within two years they will have created a soft white loaf with all the nutrition of wholemeal. So you can get that floaty texture, that melting mouth-feel in a cheese and ham sandwich, or that thin crispness when toasted and buttered, bursting with umam...

Amy Schumer ‘feeling better’ after being treated for Cushing Syndrome

Amy Schumer has revealed she is "feeling better" after being treated for Cushing Syndrome. The Life & Beth star was diagnosed with the hormonal disorder earlier this year, after fans noted her face looked puffy. “I still have this Cushing syndrome, but you just have to wait for the steroids to work through your system," she told ET while on the red...

Professional Faqs: Does Turmeric Stain Counter Tops?

Expert opinion from Kelsey Masso Master of Science in Health and Wellness Management /Bachelor of Science in Food and Nutrition · 2 years of experience · USA Turmeric can stain countertops if it is not cleaned up quickly. Turmeric is a yellow spice that is commonly used in Indian cuisine. It can also be used as a natural dye. If turmeric does stain...

I tried the longevity regime and felt its benefits in days

Why do some people live to be centenarians, enjoying good health and vitality long into old age? The answer lies partly in our genes, but the way we choose to live also has a major part to play – as much as 75 per cent, according to research. Dan Buettner, the National Geographic fellow, is renowned for his work investigating the Blue Zones, the ar...

Doctors Say Your Unexplained Weight Loss Might Be Hinting at a Larger Health Problem

Conditions like hyperthyroidism or rheumatoid arthritis could be at play. If you’ve ever noticed a sudden drop in weight after an illness, you’ve experienced unintentional weight loss fluctuation. But if you can’t point to something that may have caused the change on the scale, losing weight without trying or unexplained weight loss can be very scary. Unintentional weight loss refers to a reduction in body weight that occurs without conscious effort or intention, says Carlo Manzana, M.D., a family medicine physician with PlushCare. “From a medical standpoint, this is typically characterized by a significant and rapid decrease in weight, usually around 5% of total body weight within a span of six to 12 months.” Meet the Experts: Lydia C. Alexander, M.D., chief medical officer at Enara Health and president-elect of the Obesity Medicine Association; Mir Ali, M.D., bariatric surgeon and medical director of MemorialCare Surgical Weight Loss Center at Orange Coast Medical Center; Linda Anegawa, M.D., F.A.C.P., a double board-certified physician in internal medicine and obesity medicine and former medical director at PlushCare; and others. It is normal for weight to fluctuate, typically between five to 10 lbs, and can be due to how much you’re eating, drinking, and moving in a given time period, explains Mir Ali, M.D., bariatric surgeon and medical director of MemorialCare Surgical Weight Loss Center at Orange Coast Medical Center. But any more than that, and you haven’t changed your diet, it could be a sign of something bigger, he adds. In fact, unexplained weight loss could be an early sign of a serious health condition, says Kerry Hildreth, M.D., an assistant professor of geriatric medicine at the University of Colorado. So if you’re experiencing unexplained weight loss, it’s best to see a doctor. They can then ask questions associated with the symptoms and potentially perform a blood test or imaging test depending on your symptoms, says Linda Anegawa, M.D., F.A.C.P., a double board-certified physician in internal medicine and obesity medicine and former medical director at PlushCare. Here, doctors share the health issues that could explain why you’re losing weight so suddenly. What causes unexplained weight loss?

How Much Does a Life Time Fitness Membership Cost? Here's What to Know

Life Time Fitness claims to be so much "more than a gym" - and rightfully so.

Kate Beckinsale makes first public appearance since hospitalisation

Kate Beckinsale has made her first public appearance since her recent hospitalisation. The British actress hit the red carpet at The King's Trust Global Gala in New York City on Thursday, marking her first public appearance since her recent hospitalisation. "It's been a rough year," Kate told People at the event. "Because my parents have both been ...

Former Covid tsar tells NHS to launch new cancer vaccine trials

Dame Kate said that the experimental technology - which trains the immune system to hunt out cancer cells - will be 'ultimately how we are going to treat this terrible disease'.

There Are New Mammogram Guidelines. But Experts Don't Think They Go Far Enough.

Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death among women, according to the American Cancer Society.

How Much Does an LA Fitness Membership Cost? Here's How Pricing Works

If you're looking to upgrade your gym membership, LA Fitness is a compelling option.

The #1 Best Weight Loss Breakfast To Buy at Whole Foods

A dietitian shares why protein-packed waffles with low-fat cottage cheese and lox is the best Whole Foods breakfast for weight loss.

Health Facts You Didn't Know About Black Tea

Your favorite beverage is packed with plenty of health benefits.

Cancer breakthrough as doctors claim A.I. X-ray will save hundreds

Cancer patients in Scotland are being diagnosed more speedily - and treated sooner - thanks to a ground-breaking project using artificial intelligence (AI).

New bird flu variant in American cows unlikely to impact Britain, says chief vet

SCHEDULE FOR 5PM The new hybrid variant of bird flu spreading in American cows is no more dangerous to human health and the public should be “reassured” it is unlikely to impact Britain, the chief vet said. Some experts have called for screening of cattle and milk in the UK for signs of any avian influenza in domestic herds amid the US outbreak, bu...

Why your sleep position is hurting your health

How many of us monitor our sleep posture? We have a favourite position; we fall asleep and that’s generally as far as it goes. But sleep position can have profound implications not only for the quality of sleep, but also for long-term health. Indeed, in the worst-case scenarios, a bad sleep posture may be slowly killing you. Despite the impact slee...

Blood cancers patients to be offered new immunity drugs on NHS

Watchdogs last week gave the green light for pembrolizumab after studies suggested patients with Hodgkin's lymphoma on it lived longer than those given radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Here's How Long You Need To Run Every Day for Weight Loss

A personal trainer breaks down how long you need to run every day for weight loss, along with the benefits of this form of cardio.

Professional Faqs: How Quickly Does Ovarian Cancer Grow?

Expert opinion from Marcella Abunahman Pereira Specialization in Clinical Cardiology · 12 years of experience · Brazil Ovarian cancers develop and grow at varying rates over time. Some types of ovarian cancer may grow slowly over years, while others can progress very quickly within months. It is important to know that, in general, the growth rate o...

Pharmaceutical giants knowingly sold HIV-infected treatment to NHS

Pharmaceutical companies knowingly sold a treatment infected with HIV to the NHS, The Telegraph can reveal. Internal documents from American pharmaceutical companies show they knew a “wonder drug” made from human plasma could transmit HIV to patients, but they sold it regardless. Some 1,250 people in the UK contracted HIV in the 70s and 80s from Fa...

Your Complete Guide to the Benefits of Compression Recovery

Here’s everything you need to know!

Feeling Bloated? These Foods Help, According to Nutrition Experts

Diversify your plate with these nutritious picks and say goodbye to post-dinner discomfort. When your belly is distended and hard—whether it’s that time of the month or you overindulged at dinner—the last thing you want to do is eat more. But there are, believe it or not, some foods that help ease bloating, according to experts and research. Meet the Experts: Marissa West, ACE-certified personal trainer and nutrition specialist and founder of West Kept Secret, Cindy Kasindorf, certified nutritional health counselor and founder of Remedy Organics, and Melissa Prest, D.C.N., R.D.N., spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “Bloating can be caused by consuming foods that produce more gas than others, contain a high salt content, eating or drinking too quickly, or consuming carbonated drinks,” explains Marissa West, ACE-certified personal trainer and nutrition specialist and founder of West Kept Secret. “It can also be caused by a lactose intolerance, dairy aversion, or another health condition, such as irritable bowel syndrome or celiac disease.” Depending on the cause of your bloat, certain foods can help you get relief by reducing inflammation, activating the release of digestive enzymes, or coaxing the bloat through your digestive tract with water and fiber. Check out the below options and keep them at the ready for the next time discomfort strikes.

This Mattress Relieved My Back Pain and Night Sweats in 3 Days

Finding a comfortable mattress for yourself should be easy in theory - you've experienced quite a few sleeps before, so you probably know what level of firmness feels most supportive for your back and whether you run hot or cold.

First mammal-to-human transmission of H5N1 ‘bird flu’ confirmed

Health authorities have called for increased monitoring of US farm workers at risk of catching H5N1, after genetic data confirmed the first instance of the virus jumping from mammals to humans. In an official report published on Friday, health officials from the US Centres for Disease Control (CDC) said they found “strong evidence” that the Texan d...

The Best Wellness Retreats To Kick Off Your New Year

Whether you want to be out in nature, get a good workout or just feel restored, we have something great for you.

Thai influencer says he’s ‘breaking up’ with cannabis as country plans to recriminalise drug

When Thai racer and actor Saranyoo Prachakit announced online that he was “breaking up” with cannabis because it was altering his brain, he didn’t think it would cause such a stir. But within hours of posting his candid update on Instagram in late April, his words were plastered across the nation’s television screens. “I decided to stop using weed ...

8 Foods With a Surprisingly Short Life, Even in the Refrigerator

You shouldn't wait to eat any of these items.

What to Expect From an EMDR Therapy Session

Finding a type of therapy that works best for you isn't always an easy task.

Shock as about-to-marry China woman discovers she is a biological man after doctors find testicle in her stomach

Woman, 27, looks forward to wedding, decides to have medical check-up Doctor finds rare disorder, male sex chromosomes, but female hormones After 27 years living life as a female, the shock examination of a woman in China has revealed a testicle in her abdomen, meaning that, biologically, she is a male. Li Yuan, from central China's Hubei province,...

‘Cancer cures’ spread on social media still thriving despite government pledge

Social media giants and online trading businesses continue to benefit from cancer “cures”, years after ministers pledged to crack down on the practice. Searches for “cancer cure” on Instagram are helping businesses that market unproven treatments, including an online herbal company which promotes its treatment as “better” than chemotherapy. Other p...

What Is The Major Complication Associated With A Tia? A Review By Doctors

Expert opinion from Marcelle Freire Doctor of Medicine · 3 years of experience · Brazil A transient ischemic attack is a transient, self-limiting episode of neurological dysfunction caused by interruption of cerebral blood flow, without the death of the affected tissue. In simpler terms, TIA can be defined as a stroke, even with the same symptoms, ...

15 Things Every Good Neighbor Does

Get your cup of sugar ready.

Fan-Favorite Trader Joe's Snack Returns After 2 Years: 'Dreamed of This Day'

After being absent from shelves, the Synergistically Seasoned Popcorn is finally back at Trader Joe's—and generating major excitement.

A Week In Philadelphia On A $94,000 Salary

Welcome to Money Diaries where we are tackling the ever-present taboo that is money. We’re asking real people how they spend their hard-earned money during a seven-day period — and we’re tracking every last dollar. This week: a senior consultant who makes $94,000 per year and spends some of her money this week on Miralax. Occupation: Senior consultantIndustry: Research and government contractAge: 33Location: PhiladelphiaSalary: $94,000Net Worth:...

Ask A Doctor: How Do You Get Rid Of Pulmonary Fibrosis?

Expert opinion from Chandra Shekar Adelli MBBS, Gen Med · 6 years of experience · India Pulmonary fibrosis is a devastating complication of the lung. Occurs due to multiple abnormal pathways in wound healing and inflammatory process. Early treatment with anti-inflammatory agents, steroids, and anticoagulant helps in preventing disease progression. ...

People Have Been Diagnosed With HIV After Getting a "Vampire Facial"

"There will be blood" sounds more like something Count Dracula would promise his guests at dinner than the basis of a popular facial treatment, but alas, a buzzy, nonsurgical procedure known as the "vampire facial" involves a lot of it.

Healthy Sweeteners: Cane Sugar vs Granulated Sugar - Nutrition Professional Insight

This article examines the differences between cane sugar and granulated sugar. Experts in nutritional science, biochemical and molecular nutrition, and agronomy and crop science provide their opinions on the nutritional content, chemical properties, and sources of these two sugars. The article also provides a disclaimer that the opinions provided are not to be considered as a substitute for medical expertise and should be used at the reader's...

How Does Dehydration Interact With Alcohol? A Review By Doctors

plenty of fluids, avoiding alcohol, and wearing loose-fitting clothes are some of the preventive measures for dehydration.This article examines the causes, signs, and symptoms of dehydration, as well as preventive measures for this condition. Expert opinion from Dr. Anuvitha Kamath is presented, detailing the effects of hot climate and alcohol on the body's fluid levels, as well as the common signs and symptoms of dehydration such as dry skin,...

Italy bans ‘stressful’ puppy yoga

Italy has banned “puppy yoga”, ruling that the fitness fad is too stressful for the animals. There have been allegations that some puppies have been denied access to water to avoid them urinating on the floor – or on yoga practitioners – during classes. Only adult dogs should be used in animal-assisted therapy, the Italian health ministry has decre...

King Charles fears he's 'letting everyone down' with his public duties

According to the King's close friends who have received personal letters, he has spoken of his 'somewhat battered health'.

Ask A Nutrition Professional: What Are The Health Benefits Of Lentils?

Expert opinion from Georgios Christos Bakolas Master Science in Sport Nutrition · 3 years of experience · UK Lentils are packed with proteins and can provide the same amount of protein like red or processed meat. As a result, the consumption of lentils not only provides enough protein but also is a healthier choice for your heart. Furthermore, lent...

Professional Faqs: What Are The Health Benefits Of Lentils?

Expert opinion from Faith Seke PhD, Agronomy and Crop Science (ongoing), Master's degree, Food Science and Technology · 1 years of experience · South Africa Lentils can help with cholesterol, diabetes, and colon cancer prevention. Fiber drives waste through your digestive tract and helps to prevent constipation. Lentils also include potassium, fola...

15 Pre-Workout Snacks You Can Prep Ahead of Time

Prep these easy pre-workout snacks ahead of time so you feel energized for every workout

Those who lose teeth from poor oral hygiene more likely have back pain

People who lose their teeth from poor oral hygiene are more likely to suffer chronic pain in the lower back and buttocks, according to new research.

Four exercises to spice up your workout routine

If you are getting bored of your regular workouts, the first thing you should do is try out some new exercises. There are countless exercises you can do as part of your workout routine, so it is important to find the ones that work for you. Tom Kolecki, personal trainer and strength and conditioning coach, has revealed four creative exercises that ...

Spelt: What Nutrition Professionals Say About Its Health Effects And More

This article explores the possible side effects of consuming spelt, an ancient grain related to wheat that contains gluten. It discusses the potential risks of consuming spelt for individuals with celiac disease, gluten-intolerance, wheat allergy, and other dietary restrictions. It also looks at the antinutrients present in spelt, such as phytate, which can inhibit the absorption of minerals such as iron and zinc. Finally, it provides expert...

I Tried McDonald’s New Cajun Chicken Sandwiches and They Really Bring the Heat

McDonald's keeps coming up with new spins on its "billion dollar" McCrispy baby, but are the newest versions any good?

What is the infected blood scandal about?

What is the infected blood scandal about? The infected blood scandal saw thousands of people in the UK in the 70s and 80s given blood transfusions or blood products that were infected with viruses such as Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV. Thousands died after being given contaminated products by the NHS which were often imported from the US. Nobody...