

Andy Murray ruled out of Wimbledon after operation on spinal cyst

Andy Murray has been ruled out of Wimbledon after having an operation on a spinal cyst, Telegraph Sport understands. While Murray’s management team have offered no official update as yet, sources have told The Telegraph that there is a likely six-week lay-off period associated with the process, also throwing into serious doubt his involvement in th...

Doctors Answer Common Questions About Tooth Extraction.

what is the success rate? Expert opinion from Dr. NIRANJAN GARG 7 years of experience in dentistry and healthcare · 5 years of experience · India This article provides an overview of the most common reasons for tooth removal, as well as the success rate and healing time for a bone graft. The most common reasons for tooth removal include severe tooth decay, impacted wisdom teeth, orthodontic reasons, fractured or cracked teeth, infection or...

Cara Delevingne describes 'terrible headaches' from sober nights out

Cara Delevingne has shared her shock at being left feeling "terrible" on nights out without alcohol. The model and actress has explained that she is now sober but finds herself suffering in new ways as she ends up drinking sugary drinks. Opening up to The Sun, the British star said, "Nearly two years ago when I got sober, I thought, 'I probably won...

Doctors Say Your Unexplained Weight Loss Might Be Hinting at a Larger Health Problem

Conditions like hyperthyroidism or rheumatoid arthritis could be at play. If you’ve ever noticed a sudden drop in weight after an illness, you’ve experienced unintentional weight loss fluctuation. But if you can’t point to something that may have caused the change on the scale, losing weight without trying or unexplained weight loss can be very scary. Unintentional weight loss refers to a reduction in body weight that occurs without conscious effort or intention, says Carlo Manzana, M.D., a family medicine physician with PlushCare. “From a medical standpoint, this is typically characterized by a significant and rapid decrease in weight, usually around 5% of total body weight within a span of six to 12 months.” Meet the Experts: Lydia C. Alexander, M.D., chief medical officer at Enara Health and president-elect of the Obesity Medicine Association; Mir Ali, M.D., bariatric surgeon and medical director of MemorialCare Surgical Weight Loss Center at Orange Coast Medical Center; Linda Anegawa, M.D., F.A.C.P., a double board-certified physician in internal medicine and obesity medicine and former medical director at PlushCare; and others. It is normal for weight to fluctuate, typically between five to 10 lbs, and can be due to how much you’re eating, drinking, and moving in a given time period, explains Mir Ali, M.D., bariatric surgeon and medical director of MemorialCare Surgical Weight Loss Center at Orange Coast Medical Center. But any more than that, and you haven’t changed your diet, it could be a sign of something bigger, he adds. In fact, unexplained weight loss could be an early sign of a serious health condition, says Kerry Hildreth, M.D., an assistant professor of geriatric medicine at the University of Colorado. So if you’re experiencing unexplained weight loss, it’s best to see a doctor. They can then ask questions associated with the symptoms and potentially perform a blood test or imaging test depending on your symptoms, says Linda Anegawa, M.D., F.A.C.P., a double board-certified physician in internal medicine and obesity medicine and former medical director at PlushCare. Here, doctors share the health issues that could explain why you’re losing weight so suddenly. What causes unexplained weight loss?

Kieran Trippier nursing calf injury ahead of England v Slovenia

Kieran Trippier has been nursing a calf issue as he tries to avoid adding to Gareth Southgate’s England left-back crisis at the European Championship. It is unclear whether or not the slight problem is related to the calf injury that interrupted his season with Newcastle United and at one stage threatened his participation in the Euros, but it is b...

Uncovering the Truth About Valerian Root: A Nutrition Professional's Perspective

This abstract provides an overview of the opinions of three experts on the use of Valerian root for anxiety and sleep disorders. It discusses the recommended dosage, potential side effects, and whether it is addictive. It also provides a disclaimer regarding the advice given and suggests that individuals should seek professional help regarding any health conditions or concerns.

Why Soccer Teams Are Escorted Onto the Field by Kids Before a Match

If you've ever watched the pregame ceremonies of a soccer match, you've probably noticed a sweet detail: the players always walk onto the field holding the hands of kids, who are dressed like an adorable little squad themselves.

Everything You Need to Know About Cooking Oils

There’s a specific type for all kinds of cooking.

Ask A Nutrition Professional: How Much Quercetin Is In An Apple?

Expert opinion from Mantwa Radebe Master of Science (MSc) In Nutrition · 12 years of experience · South Africa Quercetin is a plant pigment (flavonoid). It's found in many plants and foods, such as red wine, onions, green tea, apples, and berries. The amount of quercetin depends on the size of an apple. A 100 gram (half an apple) of an apple contai...

The Best Wellness Retreats To Kick Off Your New Year

Whether you want to be out in nature, get a good workout or just feel restored, we have something great for you.

Professional Faqs: How Long Do You Have To Live With Leukaemia?

Expert opinion from Subodh Govind MBBS, MPH-HA · 6.5 years of experience · India The survival rate of leukemia largely depends on the type and stage of the disease. A five-year survival rate is used to calculate the chance of living at least five years post-diagnosis. As of today, the five-year survival rate for all types of leukemia is 65. 8%. So ...

15 Best High-Protein, High-Fiber Snacks You Can Buy

Make every snack break healthy with these store-bought treats.

How to recover from burnout in six steps

Burnout is a buzzword which is often bandied about when we feel a bit tired at work and overwhelmed by life. In fact, it is a syndrome with clear symptoms, including exhaustion and feeling cynical about your work, which was recognised by the World Health Organisation in 2019. It not only affects workers’ lives, but also the economy. It is not a mod...

Japan’s Emperor to be welcomed by King Charles ‘like family’ in first state visit since cancer diagnosis

He has been fly fishing with the young Prince Charles, driven through Balmoral by Prince Philip and had a barbecue with Queen Elizabeth II. When the Emperor of Japan lands in Britain on Saturday night, for the first state visit since the King was diagnosed with cancer, he will be “welcome fondly” to his second home, it is said, by the Royals he has...

10 of the Most Unique Museums In the United States

Add these one-of-a-kind destinations to your travel bucket list.

Professional Faqs: What Are Possible Complications Of Ventricular Tachycardia?

Expert opinion from Mohan P. Abraham M.D., FAAFP (Family Physician) · 40 years of experience · USA There are three key signs that show ventricular tachycardia is serious, which are; a)When the ventricles are beating at a rapid rate of between 120-300 beats per minute and these beats are not coordinating with atria. b)Severe palpitations. This resul...

Liverpool great Alan Hansen ‘overwhelmed’ by support after being discharged from hospital

Former Liverpool captain Alan Hansen has been discharged from hospital and says he is ‘overwhelmed’ by the goodwill and support received as he continues to recover from serious illness. Liverpool released a statement on behalf of Hansen and his family providing the most positive bulletin yet on his health. The reason for the medical scare has not b...

‘My husband had a stent fitted on holiday – but Co-op won’t pay his £10k hospital bill’

Dear Katie, Last October, my husband and I went on a two week cruise from Seville to Tenerife. Halfway through the cruise, my husband became very sick and the ship’s doctor diagnosed jaundice and other complications. When we reached Funchal, Madeira, we had to disembark the ship and my husband was hospitalised and had a stent installed. We notified...

Feeling Bloated? These Foods Help, According to Nutrition Experts

Diversify your plate with these nutritious picks and say goodbye to post-dinner discomfort. When your belly is distended and hard—whether it’s that time of the month or you overindulged at dinner—the last thing you want to do is eat more. But there are, believe it or not, some foods that help ease bloating, according to experts and research. Meet the Experts: Marissa West, ACE-certified personal trainer and nutrition specialist and founder of West Kept Secret, Cindy Kasindorf, certified nutritional health counselor and founder of Remedy Organics, and Melissa Prest, D.C.N., R.D.N., spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “Bloating can be caused by consuming foods that produce more gas than others, contain a high salt content, eating or drinking too quickly, or consuming carbonated drinks,” explains Marissa West, ACE-certified personal trainer and nutrition specialist and founder of West Kept Secret. “It can also be caused by a lactose intolerance, dairy aversion, or another health condition, such as irritable bowel syndrome or celiac disease.” Depending on the cause of your bloat, certain foods can help you get relief by reducing inflammation, activating the release of digestive enzymes, or coaxing the bloat through your digestive tract with water and fiber. Check out the below options and keep them at the ready for the next time discomfort strikes.

Ask A Nutrition Professional: Can Drinking Regular Tea With Milk In It Give You Heartburn If You Have Gerd?

Expert opinion from Michael Colangelo Master of Science (M.S.) in Nutrition · 15 years of experience · USA High fat diary, like whole milk or heavy cream, used in caffeinated regular tea can irritate the gut and contribute to indigestion and heartburn in some people. Some individuals with GERD can tolerate the small amounts of dairy milk and caffei...

How Nutrient-dense Is Wheat Germ? A Review By Nutrition Professionals

Expert opinion from Mariana Brkic Bachelor in Nutrition · 10 years of experience · Argentina Wheat germ is one of the most nutritious parts of wheat. It is a high nutrient dense food. A daily serving of 2 table-spoon provide more than 8% of the thiamin, folate, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc daily recommendation. It is also a good source of fiber w...

Ask A Doctor: What Are The Possible Complications Of Anaphylaxis?

Expert opinion from Afra Abdussamad MBBS · 3.5 years of experience · India Anaphylaxis is an acute multiorgan system reaction. The most common organ systems involved include the cutaneous, respiratory, cardiovascular, and gastrointestinal systems. Anaphylactic reactions almost always involve the skin or mucous membranes. Greater than 90% of patient...

NHS midwife told a black woman who was having a miscarriage: ‘You people have a high pain threshold’

An NHS midwife told a black woman asking for painkillers as she suffered a miscarriage that “you people have a high pain threshold”, it is claimed. It is one of a number of instances of black and Asian women being subjected to racist treatment and mockery by maternity staff before losing a child. The revelations come as official figures show infant...

The Best Texas Roadhouse Order for Weight Loss

Lacy Puttuck, MS, RDN, CISSN, CSCS, shares why the six-ounce sirloin with grilled onions is the best Texas Roadhouse order for weight loss.

Celebrity stag put down after hikers feed it croissants

A stag made famous on social media has had to be put down after it was fed junk food by hikers. Callum, described as a “well-known character” in the north-west Scottish Highlands, had to be euthanised after developing health problems. The animal’s willingness to approach visitors in the car park of Beinn Eighe National Nature Reserve and eat from t...

15 Pre-Workout Snacks You Can Prep Ahead of Time

Prep these easy pre-workout snacks ahead of time so you feel energized for every workout

Gardening may stave off dementia, study finds

Gardeners may receive protections against dementia and lead longer lives, a study has found. The University of Edinburgh research, which tracked hundreds of people and their lifestyles over decades, found that those who spent time gardening had better brain function in later life than those who did not. Researchers are now calling for more study of...

Ask A Nutrition Professional: Can You Drink Apple Cider Vinegar

Expert opinion from Momoko Takada Bachelor's degree Nutrition · 3 years of experience · Japan It is best not to drink apple cider vinegar on its own, as it may irritate the esophagus and stomach and cause diarrhea. If you do drink it, dilute it at least 5 times with water or carbonated water. Expert opinion from Jen Hsu Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) ...

Your Complete Guide to the Benefits of Compression Recovery

Here’s everything you need to know!

What Are The Possible Complications Of Anaphylaxis? A Review By Doctors

Expert opinion from Sandeep Kumar Reddy Mallela MBBS BMB Pediatrics persevering · 2 years of experience · India Anaphylaxis is a common medical emergency and a life-threatening acute hypersensitivity reaction. It can be defined as a generalized, rapidly evolving, multi-systemic allergic reaction. Without treatment, anaphylaxis is often fatal due to...

What drinking coffee every morning does to your stomach

That morning cup of coffee doesn’t just wake you up for the day, it also gives a boost to billions of friendly microbes residing in your digestive system. Because, according to a growing body of research, there is evidence that your espresso may positively influence your microbiome – gut bacteria – leading to better overall health and even a longer...

James Cleverly celebrates wife being two years cancer-free

James Cleverly has celebrated two years of his wife being cancer-free, sharing before and after pictures of her treatment. Susie Cleverly was diagnosed with triple positive breast cancer in December 2021. Following a single mastectomy, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and immunotherapy she finally finished treatment in April 2023 . Her husband marked the...

Questions About Bloating? Harvard Health Publishing Has Answers.

How to eliminate bloating naturally? Answered by Dr. Howard E. Lewine M.D. Chief Medical Editor, Harvard Health Publishing · 40 years of experience · USA Bloating usually goes away on its own as gas makes its way out of the digestive tract through belching and passing gas. But if bloating is a frequent issue, try cutting out milk products to see wh...

Health Facts You Didn't Know About Black Tea

Your favorite beverage is packed with plenty of health benefits.

Nourishing Thyroid Health: Nutrition Pros' Take on Coriander Seeds

This article explores the potential benefits of coriander seed water in treating thyroid conditions, such as hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Three experts provide their opinions on the use of coriander seed water to balance hormone levels, including the potential risks and benefits of its use. The article also provides a disclaimer regarding the use of the information presented. This article serves as a useful resource for individuals...

Shaken Baby Syndrome Warning Signs: What To Look Out For

Overview A serious brain injury caused by shaking of an infant. Symptoms If you or someone you know is exhibiting symptoms of a Shaken baby syndrome, seek medical attention immediately Symptoms range from mild to severe depending on the impact and may include: Irritability Restlessness Poor feeding Pale or bluish skin Vomiting Seizures Brain injury...

Ask A Nutrition Professional: Does Consuming Coffee Promote Health?

Expert opinion from Georgios Christos Bakolas Master Science in Sport Nutrition · 3 years of experience · UK The consumption of 2-5 cups of coffee daily has been linked with a lower likelihood of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, different types of cancer, Parkinson's disease and mental illnesses such as depression. Also, moderate doses of caffeine (...

I’m a Fitness Instructor With Stage 4 Colon Cancer: What I Want Women to Know About Their Health

You are your biggest advocate.

How Mandarin Orange Can Boost Your Health: Tips From Nutrition Professionals

This article discusses the benefits of consuming Mandarin oranges. It is a citrus fruit rich in Vitamin C, Beta-carotene, dietary fiber, flavanoids, and other antioxidants. These nutrients are beneficial for improving immunity, fighting free radicals, aiding in weight management, reducing cholesterol, and promoting wound healing. Side effects and nutritional facts are also provided from health experts.

These Jennifer Garner Movies Made Us Love Her So Much More

13 Going on 30 came out 20 years ago!

Doctors scared to blow whistle on patient care

Growing numbers of doctors have said they would not blow the whistle about patient safety concerns for fear of retribution, a survey has found. The British Medical Association (BMA) surveyed doctors in 2018 and again in 2024, with a rising proportion saying they would not feel confident raising concerns about standards of patient care. The BMA reve...

King has ‘open invitation’ to New Zealand, says country’s PM

The King has an “open invitation” to New Zealand, the country’s prime minister has said amid claims that his planned visit in the autumn has been shelved. The monarch’s tour of the South Pacific later this year is still scheduled to go ahead but has been scaled back in lieu of his cancer diagnosis. While the King and Queen are still expected to vis...

Ask A Doctor: How Can One Prevent Infections Caused By Low Temperature Exposure?

a hot bowl of water or steam inhalation with camphor-containing tablets which are broken and mixed in hot water is advised for sinusitis.This article examines the risk of infections due to low temperatures and provides expert opinion from Dr. Anuvitha Kamath on the best methods to prevent such infections. Dr. Kamath suggests avoiding triggering factors, such as staying indoors and wearing a mask when going out, as well as using allergen-proof...

15 Things Every Good Neighbor Does

Get your cup of sugar ready.

These Gabrielle Union Movies Will Make You Want to Grab a Pair of Pom-Poms

We totally forgot she starred in Bring It On!

The Best Puzzles for Adults to Order Right Now

From trendy to artsy to fun, here are the best puzzles for every level.

Ask A Doctor: What Natural Remedies Can Be Used To Treat Tardive Dyskinesia?

Expert opinion from Alex T. Thomas MD · 40 years of experience · USA Ginkgo biloba. Melatonin. Vitamin B6 Vitamin E Talk to your doctor before you take any supplements for your symptoms. Expert opinion from Mohan P. Abraham M.D., FAAFP (Family Physician) · 40 years of experience · USA Few natural elements which may help reduce symptoms include: Gin...

Professional Faqs: Is Cabbage Bad For You If You Have Crohn's Disease?

Expert opinion from Cassia D Muller Bechelor in Nutrition · 2 years of experience · Brazil Some vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and brussels sprouts, tend to cause gas. It's best to avoid eating them if gas is a problem for you, and cooking causes less gas to form, so if you're going to eat them, better cook. Expert opinion from...

Take care in the mini heatwave experts warn – until midweek when it starts raining again

Britain will sizzle in three days of summer this week before thunder and rain puts a dampener on the weather just in time for Glastonbury. Temperatures could reach 86F (30C) in some parts of the country, triggering a yellow health warning between Monday and Thursday from the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) and the Met Office. However, thunderstor...

8 Foods With a Surprisingly Short Life, Even in the Refrigerator

You shouldn't wait to eat any of these items.